GAGUT Greetings family and welcome to the blog.
Today, light is brought to black Geniuses, with a strong emphasis on the value of celebrating them daily. When you know and acknowledge where you come from, it gives you that source to remove any doubts or fears of where you are going.
Let's start with some Biographies/books, celebrations, accomplishments, etc.
Unified Man, Black man discoverer of G2j solution to Riemann Hypothesis
First Black Physicist in America
Self taught Black Mathematician, Astronomer, Clock Designer, Almanac , White House Architecture
Black man invented Gas Mask, Traffic Light
Black man invented first cellular phone
First Black man performed Open Heart Surgery
First Black Man to invent 300 plus food items from a peanut, taught farmers soil rotation, etc.
GAGUT Birthday celebrations are for all black people everyday, the revelation of God Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem nicknamed GAGUT Gij,j=0 revealed by God to Professor Gabriel A. Oyibo showed the God Order where God ordained a black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo with the totality of all intelligence, which is represented by Eta Sub "n", Eta sub "n" is the formula that represents intelligence and "n" is the level of intelligence, God designed that "n" for Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo to be infinity and since black people share his genes, God ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and undefeatable people, therefore, GOD's chosen children.
Germany, in 2005 celebrated Prof. Carl F. Gauss, who ranked among history's most influential mathematicians, which caused Germany before GAGUT to be the Headquarters of Intelligence Germany placed GAGUT at NR 26 and ranks #1 on the list of mathematicians works, which is at the center of the year, the center spot is considered the #1 spot when relating to a bell curve (statistics), the center is the highest peak, with no peers. They awarded GAGUT their highest award and immortalized Prof. Gauss by doing this.
Gagutian/African/Black people now award GAGUT to immortalize every black person by celebrating their GAGUT Birthday, and on behalf of their loved ones and themselves, and give toward the AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (AIFST) academic prize award at OFAPPIT Institute Of Technology. All the ancestors that transitioned in the fraudulent reality are to be celebrated in their true reality as the most intelligent, richest and invincible people. So that means, an eternity of celebrations are in order. PRAISE THE REAL GOD.
Almighty GOD, through GAGUT Gij,j=0 geometry shows that black people are the most intelligent, richest and invincible, therefore the chosen people, and the world agreed and verified it through many sources.
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