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Showing posts from June, 2021

GAGUT Gij,j=0, Black People And Reparations.

  GAGUT BRIEFING'S ARE TWICE A WEEK OR MORE IF NECESSARY. COME TO THE GAGUT  BRIEFINGS AND LEARN HOW TO GET REPARATIONS.  DON'T  STAGGER MIGHTIEST  PEOPLE!  Starting (6/29/21 UNTIL). GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT)  GAGUT  is the  God Order  through which  God ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly  where Eta sub n, first revealed by God to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, God has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, God has ordained the black people as the most int...

What would Ancestor Marcus Garvey and Martin Luther King Jr. do with GAGUT Gij,j=0?

  Ancestor, MARCUS GARVEY Reflecting on a Marcus Garvey celebration in 2019 at American Beach in Florida, such fond memories of togetherness, collaboration and celebration amongst each other and honoring this ancestor. This occasion  stirred the thought of, what would Marcus Garvey do with GAGUT Gij,j=0?, and while researching his speeches one stood out so profoundly.   Early into the speech he spoke of leadership, "Any leadership that teaches you to depend upon another race, is a leadership that will enslave you", can we do it, we can do it, we shall do it, we'll pray to GOD for vision and for leadership, when GOD has given us a universal vision, a vision that will not limit our possibilities...  At 2:02 "the time has come for the black man to forget his hero worship of other races, and to create an emulating of his own,... create our own mantles and elevate the positions of fame and honor, black men and women who have made a distant contribution to our racial ...


  GAGUT, Love takes you higher and higher! GAGUT, power takes you higher and higher! WHEN YOU SEE WITH GAGUTICAL EYES, ALL YOU NEED IS A "BLACKBOARD AND CHALK"!  CHING CHING , if you know what eye mean! PRAISE THE "REAL" GOD, GOD Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem GAGUT New Constitution for the Black Race and by extension the Human Race and all creatures. SEEING THE GEOMETRY OF IT ALL! African International Foundation For Science And Technology Prize Letter INVESTING IN THIS FORMULA IS THE WAY FORWARD FOR THE BLACK RACE. As a Registration Expert it gives dignity, respect, the highest paying job and saves lives in the process.  Start Immediately, ask John Glover about the GOD ORDER.  (Rah - Registration Expert).   WHEN YOU U...

What of Black people and GAGUT G2j solution to the Riemann Hypothesis?

  Let's talk about G2j solution, after the GOD ORDER. GOD ordained a(one) black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo with infinity intelligence(knowledge) INFALLIBLY, the proof: Eta sub n = g sub nj * x sub j^n+1 power, GOD designed that "n" to be "infinity" for Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, and since black people share his genes, GOD ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and undefeatable people, therefore the chosen people infallibly. GOOGLE GAGUT, HIT IMAGES TO CONNECT THE DOT'S (DOCUMENTS), lol. So, what now?, what does all this mean?  Below is a presentation by non other than the GREATEST GENIUS EVER CREATED BY GOD, any challenges call 1(631) 242-3069, no challenges and you share his genes, you are ordered to attend the GAGUT briefings to LEARN and use GAGUT to preserve life, your own and others. Go to to register.  Rah.  The real GOD bless you. G2j solu...

Top Priorities With Black People Since GAGUT Gij,j=0!

GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT)  GAGUT is the God Order through which God ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly where Eta sub n, first revealed by God to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, God has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, God has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly. A critical practical application of the GOD ORDER is that it proves that GOD ordered all of us to attend the GAGUT briefing , that proof ...