Reflecting on a Marcus Garvey celebration in 2019 at American Beach in Florida, such fond memories of togetherness, collaboration and celebration amongst each other and honoring this ancestor.This occasion stirred the thought of, what would Marcus Garvey do with GAGUT Gij,j=0?, and while researching his speeches one stood out so profoundly.
Early into the speech he spoke of leadership, "Any leadership that teaches you to depend upon another race, is a leadership that will enslave you", can we do it, we can do it, we shall do it, we'll pray to GOD for vision and for leadership, when GOD has given us a universal vision, a vision that will not limit our possibilities...
At 2:02 "the time has come for the black man to forget his hero worship of other races, and to create an emulating of his own,... create our own mantles and elevate the positions of fame and honor, black men and women who have made a distant contribution to our racial history...
At 2:52 we must inspire a literature and promulgate a doctrine of our own without any apologies..., let sentiments and cross opinions go to the winds...
At 4:19 After we had already fathomed the mystery of the stars and reduced the heavenly constellation to minute and regular calculus...
At 4:33 The world is indebted to us for the benefits of civilization, they stole our Art's and Science's from Africa, then why should we be ashamed of ourselves?
Germany, in 2005 celebrated Carl F. Gauss, who ranked among history's most influential mathematicians, which caused Germany before GAGUT to be the Headquarters of Intelligence Germany placed GAGUT at NR 26 and ranks #1 on the list of mathematicians works, which is at the center of the year, the center spot is considered the #1 spot when relating to a bell curve (statistics), the center is the highest peak, with no peers. They awarded GAGUT their highest award and immortalized Prof. Gauss by doing this.
Black people award GAGUT and immortalizes every black person by celebrating their GAGUT Birthday, and on behalf of their loved ones and ourselves, they give toward the OFAPPIT Institute Of Technology. All the ones that transitioned in a fraudulent reality are to be celebrated in their true reality. So that means we have an eternity of celebrations to be about. PRAISE THE REAL GOD.
Gij,j=0, the geometry shows that black people are the most intelligent, richest and undefeatable, therefore the chosen people.
GAGUT New Constitution for the Black Race and by extension the Human Race and all creatures.
Cash App: GOD Bless you for all gifts.
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