GAGUT is the GOD Order through which GOD ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly where Eta sub n, first revealed by GOD to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by
Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, God has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, God has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly.
A critical practical application of the GOD ORDER is that it proves that GOD ordered all of us to attend the GAGUT briefing, that proof is: Life is a piece of God in us,
Therefore life = the most precious thing we have, therefore it must be preserved.
How do you preserve life?, the only way to preserve life is through using the infallible truth,
GAGUT = all infallible truths.
Therefore GAGUT is the only solution for preserving life, therefore all creatures are compelled to study GAGUT in order to preserve the piece of GOD within us called life. Therefore we are all compelled by GOD to attend the GAGUT briefing to study and use GAGUT for preserving our lives infallibly.
quod erat demonstrandum.
GAGUT knowledge proves that the piece of God in us is what life is, before 1990 and this revelation of GAGUT Gij,j=0, revealed by GOD to a black man, no one knew what life was. Now that the knowledge is here and solution to preserve it, it's to be learned in order to preserve that PIECE OF GOD. Many declare their love for GOD and their honor and praise to GOD, well you have to love and value the pieces too!
During conversations about OFAPPIT Institute Of Technology and GAGUT Industrial Park, and the fact that productivity is critical for survival, a statement was made about the happiness of seeing more black people starting their own businesses and how supportive they were of them, which is good, but there is a vast difference in production and business ownership.
Start the journey to preserving life and job training as a GAGUT Registration Expert, the opportunity is now. For the GOD order news and registration guidance call 1-631-242-3069 or 1-352-558-1797.
Below is the GAUSS YEAR 2005 celebration, Goettingen University, where Germany, the headquarters of intelligence before GAGUT Gij,j=0, listed the Grand Unified Theorem, Gabriel A. Oyibo at #NR 26 (which represents the center of the event, the medium or #1 spot) of 52weeks of mathematical works.
Each week of the year a mathematics work is to be studied by the education systems worldwide. Week 26 of every year, the Grand Unified Theorem is to be studied.
True story: While shopping at a retail grocery store and wearing the GAGUT t-shirt, the cashier, an elderly non-black leaned over the counter to say "I like your shirt, that should be taught in every school, it's unfortunate that one has to go on the internet to find out that information." she read and voiced her awareness of GAGUT Gij,j=0. The below item was established to honor Prof. Carl F. Gauss and the Grand Unified Theorem, because it was what all of humanity searching for, the unification of all known and unknown forces in the infinite universe.
The books are to be in every school, the gratitude by the one's GOD chose to reveal it to is ordered to ensure that not only they, but all of humanity learn it through them. Every group knows when new knowledge is revealed to them as a group, they swing into action.
Weekly briefings are on Sunday to begin training, call 1-631-242-3069 to answers on registering.
As stated on the below items, Harvard and MIT student's and at MIT, a mathematics Prof. also signed the petition for Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, a black man, to lecture them on the academic and social awareness of GAGUT. Every race through whom a mathematical revelation come's has the responsibility to ensure the endowment for the prize is funded so it's available to be awarded to their own.
GAGUT Gij,j=0 has the highest academic award in history, due to it being the "Theorem Of Everything", total knowledge is in a 1" inch theorem (Gij,j=0). The world is waiting.
INTRODUCING THE AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PRIZE, the greatest academic prize award in history, for the greatest discovery in history.
With all of us investing at least $20 on credit/debit card, this award will be available for all the African/Diaspora to participate in wining, also build hardware and software, and provide scholarships for future geniuses, books for schools and create the best and highest paying jobs.
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