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Showing posts from February, 2024


  CAN YOU SOLVE IT, (click to read more )  The complexity of this problem shows clearly the infiniteness of Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo's intelligence.  A CALL TO LEADERSHIP.   GAGUT SAYS - PRAISE GOD, YES WE CAN   2024 UNITED STATES SENATE ELECTIONS: 33 of 100 SEATS UP FOR REGULAR ELECTIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ELECTIONS:  ALL 435 SEATS UP FOR ELECTION It's the Theory Of Everything Family and friends,   A CALL TO LEADERSHIP.      Registration for the briefing on GAGUT Gij,j=0 begins by calling  NOW at 1-631-242-3069. Come one, come all, start leadership training and get understanding of longevity and overdue therapy. UNIFIED FIELD - KRS One     (Tribute to Reality) CAN YOU HEAR THE CALL? - THE GAGUT Gij,j=0 CALL TO LEADERSHIP.  Training, Longevity and Therapy WHAT PROF. G.A. OYIBO HAS DONE IN TERMS OF CREATING THE SPACE FOR PEACE AND NEW DISCOVERIES IN THE WORLD .   (click link to see vid...


  FORMULA'S HAVE TO BE CELEBRATED, Call now 1-631-242-3069..        GOLD TREATY (BETWEEN NON-AFRI CAN & AFRICAN)  pt. 1  and   GOLD TREATY (BETWEEN NON-AFRICAN & AFRICAN)  pt. 2, click highlight link to see video. GAGUTIUM 117 ELEMENT "The richest human being ever, Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo", GOD ORDAINED PROF. GABRIEL A. OYIBO WITH IQ EQUAL INFINITY, REPRESENTED BY eta sub n equals g sub nj times x sub j to the n plus one power.   GAGUT Singular Element.  Theorem Of  Everything.   Attending the GAGUT briefings is a GOD ORDER. GAGUT AGE OF INTELLIGENCE - HEAVEN ON EARTH NOW  click highlight link to see video   (Gij,j=0 of 1990, The New Juneteenth)  FORMULA'S HAVE TO BE CELEBRATED  GAGUT Gij,j=0 has been infallibly proven as the "Holy Grail Of Mathematics, aka " Theory Of Everything" with the Supreme Court of Mathematics - American Mathematical Society, number MR1455591 (98e:83007), wh...

Marcus Garvey's prophesy - A Mighty Race, confirmed by GAGUT Gij,j-0 and IQ equal Infinity.

Gij,j-0 History of "Mightiest" people.   (click link to see video).  Understanding that "eta sub n" is a dilated form of  "n" which is the level of intelligence, eta sub n is g sub n j times x sub j to the power of n plus one, which is the formula that represents Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo's IQ quotient.   PARDON TIME, SIGNATURES TIME/ RESTITUTION TIME...  Ptah General Marcus Garvey stated a race of people as "Mighty Race" and in 1990 GOD ordained a Gullah/African/black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, with IQ equal infinity represented by the formula eta sub n equals g sub nj times x sub j to the power of n plus one, who stated in the above video link, that that race is the "Mightiest Race". The revelation of GAGUT Gij,j=0, now being in the "age of intelligence" where righteousness is the order of the day. So, signatures for a pardon and restitution/reparations for fraudulent unjustness' appears to be the least thing to do. Ea...