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Showing posts with the label GAUSS

WHY ALL EYES ON GAGUT G2j solution to the Riemann Hypothesis. Take collections, give donations, share information and Register today for GAGUT Lifesaver and Riemann Hypothesis Briefing, Sunday, all day. Call 1-631-242-3069 now. AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMIC AWARD as seen in the linked video above is what you are funding, the budget begins research/production, creating jobs and products that provide for the heaven state of existence age living, and awaits all to collectively unify as humanity. It doesn't take a lot from us, just a lot of us doing a little, so each one teach many, reach many.

Showing Value Of The Children through Investing! Check out the above article, much detail and insight to what transpired in 1990 right in our midst.   What is the wait for?, let the world see you celebrate, because the above article is stated candidly and well done.  We don't do less than others.   OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY  1-631-242-3069.   Look what comes out of  GAGUT: the GAGUT gifted program, Longevity program, Therapy, Training, Briefings -subject of study is Immortality, solutions to all mathematical problems, GAGUT birthday celebrations, African International Foundation For Science And Technology, GAGUT Industrial Park - Research, Ancestor Farmer dynamics, etc., at OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ONLINE. Call now, groups and/or group representative and/or individuals at 1-631-242-3069.    CLICK...

What would Ancestor Marcus Garvey and Martin Luther King Jr. do with GAGUT Gij,j=0?

  Ancestor, MARCUS GARVEY Reflecting on a Marcus Garvey celebration in 2019 at American Beach in Florida, such fond memories of togetherness, collaboration and celebration amongst each other and honoring this ancestor. This occasion  stirred the thought of, what would Marcus Garvey do with GAGUT Gij,j=0?, and while researching his speeches one stood out so profoundly.   Early into the speech he spoke of leadership, "Any leadership that teaches you to depend upon another race, is a leadership that will enslave you", can we do it, we can do it, we shall do it, we'll pray to GOD for vision and for leadership, when GOD has given us a universal vision, a vision that will not limit our possibilities...  At 2:02 "the time has come for the black man to forget his hero worship of other races, and to create an emulating of his own,... create our own mantles and elevate the positions of fame and honor, black men and women who have made a distant contribution to our racial ...