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Celebration - come together.

The JBE Invariance, what it is, is what it is!  In 1990 through the GOD order called the GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM GAGUT Gij,j =0 and it's rigorous infallible verification of it being the GOD order.  Eta sub N with which GOD ordained a Black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence quotient IQ of infinity INFALLIBLY and since black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo GOD HAS ORDAINED THE BLACK PEOPLE as the most intelligent, richest and most powerful race.  GOD HAS COMPELLED THE BLACK RACE TO ESTABLISH THE ARICAN INTERNATIONAL PRIZE FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ATER 2500 UEARS OF THE ABSENCE OF SUCH A PRIZE THROUGH THE REVELATION/DISCOVERY FROM GOD TO THE BLACK RACE CALLED THE GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT) OF WHICH THE CELEBRATION PARTIES BY ALL BLACK PEOPLE GLOBALLY BEGINING WITH FUNDRAISING DINNER PARTIES FEATURING THE GAGUT PEPPER SOUP AT EVERY BLACK RESTAURANT GLOBALLY FOR THE AFRICAN INTERNAT...


 WHAT MAYA ANGELOU SAID, " WHEN PEOPLE SHOW YOU WHO THEY ARE, BELIEVE THEM THE FIRST TIME".  The GAGUT YALE GENE TEST SHOWED THAT African /Black people are SUPERHUMANS, Yale University used the GOD revelation to a black man, Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo of Eta sub n equals g sub nj times X sub j to the n plus one power,  it shows the geometry who everyone is (see quote info. on video GAGUT BRIEFING JANUARY 2022 below for at 15:51).   THE GOD ORDER IS THOSE THAT SHARE THE SAME GENES AS PROF. GABRIEL A. OYIBO ARE TO ATTEND THE GAGUT BRIEFINGS TO GET THERAPY THAT GETS THEM BACK ON TRACK WITH THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE ANCESTORS BEFORE THE INTERRUPTION/INVASION.  Questions call 1-631-242-3069, referred by Rah.    TO REGISTER LIFE ASSURANCE, an aspect of what GAGUT is about, in the GAGUT lectures you understand how GAGUT preserves life, register to attend and it's required by all to begin the learning of what this new AGE OF INTELLIGENCE...