GAGUT Greetings family and welcome to the blog. Today, light is brought to black Geniuses, with a strong emphasis on the value of celebrating them daily. When you know and acknowledge where you come from, it gives you that source to remove any doubts or fears of where you are going. Let's start with some Biographies/books, celebrations, accomplishments, etc. Unified Man, Black man discoverer of G2j solution to Riemann Hypothesis and First Black Physicist in America and First Black Mathematician to publish in Mathematical Research Journal "Annals of Mathematics" by Schieffelin Claytor and Self taught Black Mathematician, Astronomer, Clock Designer, Almanac , White House Architecture and Black man invented Gas Mask, Traffic Light and Black man invented first cellular phone and First Black man performed Open Heart Surgery and First Black Man to invent 300 plus food items from a peanut, taught farmers soil rotation, etc. and First Black Founder - Tuskegee University, He ...