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Showing posts with the label Riemann Hypothesis

WHY ALL EYES ON GAGUT G2j solution to the Riemann Hypothesis. Take collections, give donations, share information and Register today for GAGUT Lifesaver and Riemann Hypothesis Briefing, Sunday, all day. Call 1-631-242-3069 now. AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMIC AWARD as seen in the linked video above is what you are funding, the budget begins research/production, creating jobs and products that provide for the heaven state of existence age living, and awaits all to collectively unify as humanity. It doesn't take a lot from us, just a lot of us doing a little, so each one teach many, reach many.


The GOD ORDER GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT)  GAGUT  is the  GOD Order  through which  GOD ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly  where Eta sub n, first revealed by GOD to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, God has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, God has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly. A  critical practical application of the GOD ORDER  is that  it proves that GOD ordered all of us...


GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT),  GAGUT  is the  GOD ORDER  through which  GOD ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly  where Eta sub n, first revealed by GOD to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, GOD has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, GOD has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly. A  critical practical application of the GOD ORDER  is that  it proves that GOD ordered all of us to attend th...

What of Black people and GAGUT G2j solution to the Riemann Hypothesis?

  Let's talk about G2j solution, after the GOD ORDER. GOD ordained a(one) black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo with infinity intelligence(knowledge) INFALLIBLY, the proof: Eta sub n = g sub nj * x sub j^n+1 power, GOD designed that "n" to be "infinity" for Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, and since black people share his genes, GOD ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and undefeatable people, therefore the chosen people infallibly. GOOGLE GAGUT, HIT IMAGES TO CONNECT THE DOT'S (DOCUMENTS), lol. So, what now?, what does all this mean?  Below is a presentation by non other than the GREATEST GENIUS EVER CREATED BY GOD, any challenges call 1(631) 242-3069, no challenges and you share his genes, you are ordered to attend the GAGUT briefings to LEARN and use GAGUT to preserve life, your own and others. Go to to register.  Rah.  The real GOD bless you. G2j solu...

A Gagutical journey of growth, through awareness of mathematical reality.

"Figure out your why, that will stabilize your decision(s)". A shout out to Tabitha Brown, on you tube for such a dynamic response to a question posed to her in regard to her vegan journey. The Gagutical journey is one of growth through awareness of reality from a mathematical proven truth. Theories are based on guesses (your limited experience(s) or someone else's), so a need to believe or have faith is required with no way to prove it nor require proof. In the now, Age of Intelligence, we rise to the level of exactness in every dynamic of existence. GAGUT stands for God Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem,  (Gij,j=0). GAGUT infallibly proved that the invariant that does not change is what everything came out of, and nothing can be left out of everything. The equation Gij,j=0 is proven and honored by those that really matter in the dynamic of understanding to prove or dis prove it.    1-631-242-3069 CALL TODAY, INVEST AND REGISTER FOR THE GAGUT 8 HOUR INTENSIVE LIF...