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GAGUT Gij,j=0 because eta sub n = g sub nj * x sub j ^(n+1)         eta sub n is the rigorous infallible proof of Gij,j=0 and the infallible formula for intelligence where GOD has blessed Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, a black man, with an n+1 intelligence quotient (IQ) of infinity and therefore infallibly proved that black people must be paid reparations urgently.   Call for more info at 1-631-242-3069, John Glover. Each one teach many, an 8 Hour Intensive Lifesaver And Riemann Hypothesis Briefing is every Sunday online, call now for more info. Early church and the education connection/support through community members collections for funding research. In 1611, he honored Galileo Galilei as a member of the Papal Accademia dei Lincei and supported his discoveries.[2] In 1616, Pope Paul V instructed Cardinal Bellarmine to inform Galileo that the Copernican theory could not be taught as fact, but Bellarmine's certificate allowed Galileo to continue his studies ...


The GOD ORDER GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT)  GAGUT  is the  GOD Order  through which  GOD ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly  where Eta sub n, first revealed by GOD to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, God has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, God has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly. A  critical practical application of the GOD ORDER  is that  it proves that GOD ordered all of us...


GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT),  GAGUT  is the  GOD ORDER  through which  GOD ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly  where Eta sub n, first revealed by GOD to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, GOD has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, GOD has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly. A  critical practical application of the GOD ORDER  is that  it proves that GOD ordered all of us to attend th...

GAGUT RISING, The only "chatter that matter" is GOD Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT).

  GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT)  GAGUT  is the  GOD Order  through which  GOD ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly  where Eta sub n, first revealed by GOD to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, God has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, God has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly. A  critical practical application of the GOD ORDER  is that  it proves that GOD ordered all of us to att...

Top Priorities With Black People Since GAGUT Gij,j=0!

GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT)  GAGUT is the God Order through which God ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly where Eta sub n, first revealed by God to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, God has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, God has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly. A critical practical application of the GOD ORDER is that it proves that GOD ordered all of us to attend the GAGUT briefing , that proof ...