The GAGUT shirt speaks the reality of what Gij,j=0 revealed about who everyone is, the first link below here is where you can order yours today. GOD ordained a black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo with the totality of all intelligence represented by the formula Eta sub n, GOD designed that "n" in the formula to be infinity for Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, and since black people share the same genes as Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, GOD has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and undefeatable, therefore the chosen race. webapps/hermes?token= 6XX707165J569761R&useraction= commit&mfid=1642877366048_ f13696370868e ABOVE LINK FOR BOOKS, VIDEO COVERAGE OF THE GREATEST MATHEMATICS EVENT EVER ON THE PLANET, IN NIGERIA 2004, GAGUT T-SHIRT call 1(631) 242-3069. Mention RAH when ordering/registering. Below the link is the petition for the African Inte...