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Showing posts with the label grand unified theorem

Showing Value Of The Children through Investing! Check out the above article, much detail and insight to what transpired in 1990 right in our midst.   What is the wait for?, let the world see you celebrate, because the above article is stated candidly and well done.  We don't do less than others.   OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY  1-631-242-3069.   Look what comes out of  GAGUT: the GAGUT gifted program, Longevity program, Therapy, Training, Briefings -subject of study is Immortality, solutions to all mathematical problems, GAGUT birthday celebrations, African International Foundation For Science And Technology, GAGUT Industrial Park - Research, Ancestor Farmer dynamics, etc., at OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ONLINE. Call now, groups and/or group representative and/or individuals at 1-631-242-3069.    CLICK...


Gij,j=0 because eta sub n = g sub nj * x sub j ^(n+1) In 1990, the revelation of GAGUT G i j , j = 0 arrived. GOD revealed infinity intelligence to an Igala/ Gullah/ Gagutian  black man, Professor Gabriel A. Oyibo.  Lack of understanding or willfully ignoring something does not change it's existence. Many witness, every time they read it and by experiment with the GAGUT G i j , j = 0 equation verified/verify that it is infallible, if it did not exist, it could not be written down.  G AGUT G i j , j = 0,  the solution to every problem, see witness testimony in video below..  INVEST NOW, THE WORLD IS TO PREPARE FOR THE WORLDWIDE GUHBAP CELEBRATION  FOR ALL OF GOD'S CREATURES/ CREATION, click to see more:   WORLDWIDE GUHBAP CELEBRATION                DON'T DELAY, INVEST RIGHT NOW, THE AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMIC AWARD (AIFS&T)!!!!!   GOAL $20,000,000  ...