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How would you feel if...? EACH ONE TEACH MANY AND INVEST, NOW.

How would you feel if a family member came to you after offering a helping hand and say to you that the parents stated, "why are you helping them out, being the parents, we are not", simply because you began the process to understand mathematical reality, Understanding mathematically your true self and the preservation of life is a part of the engagement in GAGUT through attending the briefings.    An unfortunate reality is that past experiences of being deliberately misguided, manipulated and mistreated as a race, to say the least, has gotten a people estranged from each other and themselves. GAGUT changes all of that, it gets you back on track and into your proper attire (see the GAGUT shirt below, it gives a summary of your true reality). When a deliberate derailing of a race's reality occurs and the infallible proof through a formula revealed that atrocity, not only are reparations in order, but an acknowledging and a human celebration of that true reality by all is d...

Get debriefed on why we've been suffering before GAGUT and briefed on what's to be done now.

THE GOD ORDER GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT),  GAGUT  is the  GOD ORDER  through which  GOD ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly  where Eta sub n, first revealed by GOD to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence given by  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, GOD has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, GOD has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly. A  critical practical application of the GOD ORDER  is,  it proves that GOD ordered all of us to...