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Be it Resolved!

                                GAGUT , CLICK TO SEE BOOKS, ETC. Registering for the GAGUT Briefings show the understanding that being blessed as a member of a genius raced is your show of gratitude toward the creator and understand your call to protect life using GAGUT infallible truth.  CALL NOW 1-631-242-3069. ULTIMATE GREATEST MATHEMATICIAN EVER CREATED PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE PROFESSOR GABRIEL AUDU OYIBO GAGUT ,  AND OTHER MATERIALS WHAT RUSSIA REPORTS ON GAGUT From Russian Daily News 30 October 2018 GOD ALMIGHTY’S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM; Nicknamed GAGUT- Gij,j=0, infallibly proved that all theorems and all equations past, present, and future originate out of one invariant. The one invariant, Gi which has orthogonal components; Gij and a divergence of Gij,j=0 which radically unifies all of mathematics defined as the study of theorems as well as all knowledge of provable truth also called t...


  GAGUTIAN PHILOSOPHY = A CHILD IS A CHILD FOR ALL PEOPLE! BLACK  HISTORY  EVENT  IN  1990 This historical event calls for celebrations, GAGUT BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS ARE IN ORDER, SEND EMAIL TO to get your invite to join the celebrating of each other and the ancestors. See the GAGUT BIRTHDAY ITINARARY, IT IS POSTED ON AN OLDER POST. It's stated in the video below, that one of the first Universities to purchase the GAGUT book was MIT University amongst others, and the book sold out quickly. The students at and a Mathematician - Professor at MIT petitioned their school for GABRIEL A. OYIBO to lecture them on the GAGUT THEOREM.  ORDER YOUR BOOK FROM OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TODAY, CALL 1-631-242-3069. MENTION RAH   Several church attendees from all over the world made a notable statement regarding the youth in the churches no longer desiring to attend, "the numbers are low to none".  After listening to the above-mentioned...


  A RACE WITHOUT A PRIZE IS CONSIDERED WORTHLESS! THE GOD ORDER GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT),  GAGUT  is the  GOD ORDER  through which  GOD ordained a black man Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo with the ultimate intelligence of ETA sub infinity infallibly  where Eta sub n, first revealed by GOD to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is the infallible formula for intelligence by Gij,j=0 because  Eta sub n = (g sub nj)*(x sub j)^(n+1) and where "n" measures the level of intelligence, GOD has designed that "n" to be infinity for Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo infallibly, therefore Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is blessed with the ultimate intelligence of Eta sub infinity infallibly and because the other black people share the same genes as Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, GOD has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and the most powerful race and therefore the chosen race infallibly. A  critical practical application of the ...

GAGUT Justice and George Floyd

GAGUT Justice and George Floyd The geometry of it all, first things first, the God order is God has ordained a black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo with the totality of all intelligence, represented by the formula Eta sub n, where n is the level of intelligence, God designed that n for Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo to be infinity, and since black people share the same genes as Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, God ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and undefeatable race.  GAGUT is the only source of infallible truth, GAGUT says that the black lives are the most precious lives. BLM says Black lives matter.  Formula speaks loud and clear for a race of people, during WWII, Jewish lives matter was not relied upon for the liberation of the Jewish people from the concentration camps or incinerators, if it had,  it would have been cheaper and not caused the 85 million deaths due to the atomic bomb which the Jews put all their resources behind the formula E=mc2 to create....

GAGUT Gij,j=0, Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo and the Ancestors.

GAGUT New Constitution for the AFRICAN/ GULLAH/IGALA/GAGUTIAN/BLACK PEOPLE and by extension the Human Race and all creatures.    FORMULAS HAVE TO BE CELEBRATED.  *In dealing with the disbelief connect with OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NOW, call 1-631-242-3069.  THE CHOICE IS IMMORTALITY,  WHICH GLORIFIES THE CREATOR,   NOT DEATH.  When you've been blessed with everything and know why you were created, you say "PRAISE GOD"  and glorify GOD by attending GAGUT briefings, it is also mandatory for training, therapy and infallible proven understanding. Call 1-631-242-3069 and ask questions as well as make pledges, donations to the GAGUT INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PRIZE and reservations for the global celebration dinner party at a restaurant near you. GAGUT Briefing registration and investing, today.  *CELEBRATION UPDATES - 9/9/23*  GOD ORDAINED A GULLAH/IGALA/GAGUTIAN/AFRICAN/ BLACK MAN, PROF. GABRIEL A. OYIBO WITH THE TOTALI...


HAPPY 29th ANNIVERSARY GAGUT HAPPY 29th YEAR ANNIVERSARY   GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT) has provided the best and highest paying job in history, one with dignity, self-respect and above all saving lives through use of infallible truth revealed by God to a black man Professor Gabriel A. Oyibo, don't delay, register today to start learning the infallible truth and join the team of GAGUT Registration Experts. Start today. Referred by Rah.  Hypnotic Brass Ensemble Instrumental sounds that make you move. A decleration by Prof. Krishendu dasgupta, subject: God's mission and dasgupta    Below is the African International Science And Technology Prize Letter, the greatest academic prize award ever. GAGUT Birthday Harriet Tubman. Thirteen (13) y...