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   ATUM, ANCESTORS, THE ANCIENT OF DAYS The path you are looking for where infinity solutions are! GAGUT Gij,j=0 is the ULTIMATE Theorem Of Everything, the ancestors were marred and maimed for just wanting to read a book, their descendants are blessed now with the "Holy Grail" of mathematics, written in a book, and each one get one as a remembrance/reflection of How Much JAH/GOD LOVES US and to show understanding of what the ancestors innately knew... they were true geniuses and the chosen ones, no matter what was done to try to disrupt them from their true reality. CAN YOU HAVE PROBLEMS AND INFINITY SOLUTIONS AT THE SAME TIME?, IF SO, WHY AND WHAT NEEDS TO TAKE PLACE FOR SOLUTON EQUIVILENCES?  When you subscribe to the OFAPPIT INSTITUTE You tube channel, you become a member, the others you share with and they as a subscriber can group up at 55 members for $10 ea. to join in the on...