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   ATUM, ANCESTORS, THE ANCIENT OF DAYS The path you are looking for where infinity solutions are! GAGUT Gij,j=0 is the ULTIMATE Theorem Of Everything, the ancestors were marred and maimed for just wanting to read a book, their descendants are blessed now with the "Holy Grail" of mathematics, written in a book, and each one get one as a remembrance/reflection of How Much JAH/GOD LOVES US and to show understanding of what the ancestors innately knew... they were true geniuses and the chosen ones, no matter what was done to try to disrupt them from their true reality. CAN YOU HAVE PROBLEMS AND INFINITY SOLUTIONS AT THE SAME TIME?, IF SO, WHY AND WHAT NEEDS TO TAKE PLACE FOR SOLUTON EQUIVILENCES?  When you subscribe to the OFAPPIT INSTITUTE You tube channel, you become a member, the others you share with and they as a subscriber can group up at 55 members for $10 ea. to join in the on...


  GAGUT OFAPPIT BLOG PRESERVING ESSENCE AND PHYSICAL PRESENCE:    Looking in the mirror, reflection looking back at me - GAGUT Greetings reality, I love and adore you, and commit to ensure preserving your essence and physical presence.  INTERVIEW OF PROFESSOR GABRIEL A. OYIBO, GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM DISCOVERY   MAY HER SOUL REST IN PERECT PEACE! Getting to the work of "Life Assurance", GAGUT revealed that Life is a piece of GOD within us, therefore, it is the most precious thing we have, and must be preserved. Only infallible truth preserves life, GAGUT equals all truths,   Before the revelation of GAGUT Gij,j=0 in 1990, no one knew what "life" was, and there again, only a "GOD Equation" could do that, Gij,j=0 infallibly.   For guidance with registration, you can call 1-352-558-1797 or email Briefings are Sat. & Sunday's When yo...

How would you feel if...? EACH ONE TEACH MANY AND INVEST, NOW.

How would you feel if a family member came to you after offering a helping hand and say to you that the parents stated, "why are you helping them out, being the parents, we are not", simply because you began the process to understand mathematical reality, Understanding mathematically your true self and the preservation of life is a part of the engagement in GAGUT through attending the briefings.    An unfortunate reality is that past experiences of being deliberately misguided, manipulated and mistreated as a race, to say the least, has gotten a people estranged from each other and themselves. GAGUT changes all of that, it gets you back on track and into your proper attire (see the GAGUT shirt below, it gives a summary of your true reality). When a deliberate derailing of a race's reality occurs and the infallible proof through a formula revealed that atrocity, not only are reparations in order, but an acknowledging and a human celebration of that true reality by all is d...

Coming to the Stage: The African International Science And Technology prize

  The GAGUT shirt speaks the reality of what Gij,j=0 revealed about who everyone is, the first link below here is where you can order yours today.  GOD ordained a black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo with the totality of all intelligence represented by the formula Eta sub n, GOD designed that "n" in the formula to be infinity for Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, and since black people share the same genes as Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, GOD has ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and undefeatable, therefore the chosen race. webapps/hermes?token= 6XX707165J569761R&useraction= commit&mfid=1642877366048_ f13696370868e ABOVE LINK FOR BOOKS, VIDEO COVERAGE OF THE GREATEST MATHEMATICS EVENT EVER ON THE PLANET, IN NIGERIA 2004,  GAGUT T-SHIRT call 1(631) 242-3069. Mention RAH when ordering/registering. Below the link is the petition for the African Inte...


After listening to the GAGUT, Grand Unified Theorem, "Theory Of Everything" presentations and noticing that around the year 2000 they were being shared with the whole world, one begins to think, wow after 19 years (2019), along comes a released chemical in the air which has the capacity to attach itself to it and is ingested into the human system, (kind of like the rock and the feather example in the video below) and additional to that a year or so later another form of ingesting through injection even though there was no way of testing/verifying what's actually being injected, is quite the coincidence.   GOD in its gracious love for its creatures/creation revealed the "Grand Unified Theorem, aka Theory of Everything" to a black man, Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo.   GOD sent Gij,j=0 to ensure fun, inventions, longevity, etc and to make it like "heaven" while in this human form of existence, and not with the necessity to "transition" to experience th...


ONE LOVE !!! FOR GUIDENCE WITH THE GAGUT REGISTRATION PROCESS EMAIL or call 1-631-242-3069 or     A RACE WITHOUT A PRIZE IS CONSIDERD WORTHLESS, IT IS HERE, NOW INVEST  TO BE PRODUCTIVE!! There was a Marcus Garvey event at American Beach in 2019 that brought back fond memories of seeing black people come together and celebrate ourselves, our talents, gifts, well wishes upon each other and our ancestors' legacy. In the speech below by Marcus Garvey, several sections appear to be prophecies, #1  at  3:18 where he stated "Reach up black men and pull our nature's knowledge to you, turn yea around and make a conquest of everything North, South, East and West and then when you have wrapped well, you will have inherited God's Blessing, you will become God's chosen people and naturally you will become the leaders of the world and as you bow ...