GAGUTIAN PHILOSOPHY = A CHILD IS A CHILD FOR ALL PEOPLE! BLACK HISTORY EVENT IN 1990 This historical event calls for celebrations, GAGUT BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS ARE IN ORDER, SEND EMAIL TO to get your invite to join the celebrating of each other and the ancestors. See the GAGUT BIRTHDAY ITINARARY, IT IS POSTED ON AN OLDER POST. It's stated in the video below, that one of the first Universities to purchase the GAGUT book was MIT University amongst others, and the book sold out quickly. The students at and a Mathematician - Professor at MIT petitioned their school for GABRIEL A. OYIBO to lecture them on the GAGUT THEOREM. ORDER YOUR BOOK FROM OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TODAY, CALL 1-631-242-3069. MENTION RAH Several church attendees from all over the world made a notable statement regarding the youth in the churches no longer desiring to attend, "the numbers are low to none". After listening to the above-mentioned...